Research Areas

Particle and fluid dynamics
We investigate the motion of (structured) particles and light in gravitational fields, as far as possible using analytical methods. More recently, we have directed our attention to fluid flows and plasmas in gravitational fields. For details see the personal websites of the team members.

Applications in Astrophysics
The results of our research on particle and fluid dynamics are applied to astrophysical problems like gravitational lensing, the shadows of black holes, binary systemes with extreme mass ratios, gravitational waves, the timing of pulsars, or accretion of fluid flows onto compact objects. For details see the personal websites of the team members.

Relativistic effects on satellites and clocks
We also analyse relativistic effects on satellites orbiting the Earth as well as Earth- or space-based clocks. The results are used to propose new tests of Special and General Relativity. For more details see the personal websites of the team members.

Relativistic geodesy
Current notions in geodesy are based on (post-)Newtonian definitions. We lift these definitions to General Relativity without employing post-Newtonian approximations and investigate new concepts using the additional gravity degrees of freedom in General Relativity. Related topics are synchronisation and geodetic reference frames.

Alternative/modified theories of gravity
Classical general relativity is in agreement with all observations to date, but it is widely believed that at a certain scale it has to be modified. We are particularly interested in Finsler geometry (i.e., in theories where the metric tensor depends not only on the spacetime point but also on the velocity), but also in other modifications of standard general relativity, e.g. f(R) theories, theories with torsion, and theories with nonminimal coupling. For more details see the personal websites of the team members.

We are interested in fundamental questions in electrodynamics, such as the initial value problem in various types of media and the representation of dispersion relations in terms of Kummer surfaces. We are also working on nonlinear modifications of the vacuum Maxwell theory (Born-Infeld theory, Heisenberg-Euler theory, ... ) and on higher-order modifications of the vacuum Maxwell theory (Bopp-Podolsky theory). For more details see the personal websites of the team members.
Privatdozentin Dr. rer. nat. Eva Hackmann
+49 421 218-57862
Email: eva.hackmann
Privatdozent Dr. rer. nat. Volker Perlick
+49 421 218-57933
Email: volker.perlick