Image generated with Chat-GPT using the prompt „Create a picture of a satellite in earth orbit connected via a laser beam to a ground station. There is a quantum memory on the satellite as well as on the ground station. They are in an entangled quantum state.“  Copyright: Dennis Rätzel / ZARM, University of Bremen

Photons and quantum memories in the Earth's gravitational field

New study to investigate the entanglement dynamics of photon pairs and quantum memories under the influence of the Earth's gravitational fieldmore

Fantasy image of a fuel station in space - generated by an AI

The heart of space missions: Propulsion

Successful handling of cryogenic propellants and refuelling in space are essential requirements for future space explorationmore

Das Highlight des Wettbewerbes ist der Raketenstart der CanSats. Quelle: CC DLR/Timm Bourry

10th German CanSat Competition

Ten years of scientific ambition and innovation will take center stage when nine school teams from all over Germany present their self-built mini-satellites to the public at the 10th German CanSat... more

ZARM Wissenschaftler Dr. Benny Rievers, ZARM Institutsdirektor Prof. Dr. Marc Avila, Wissenschaftssenatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Rektorin der Universität Bremen, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther und ZARM Chief Financial Officer Peter von Kampen (v.l.n.r.). Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Einblicke in die Fallröhre des Fallturm Bremen. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Besichtigung des MaMBA Forschungsmoduls, konzipiert für den Einsatz auf dem Mars. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

Inaugural visit by Senator for Science Kathrin Moosdorf

It was a very inspiring visit by the Senator for Science together with her team to get to know ZARM, its unique laboratories and outstanding research - especially the projects in the field of... more
