non-isothermal capillary flows

Knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of cryogenic fluids under the influence of abrupt accelerations changes and heat fluxes is of key importance for cryogenic propellant management in space vehicles. more...more...

In this study the reorientation behavior of a free liquid interface in a partly filled right circular cylinder upon step reduction in gravity is investigated experimentally. The experiments focus on the investigation of non-isothermal effects on the liquid reorientation. more...more...

SOURCE is a benchmark type of experiment on fluid behavior in tanks to test hypotheses and numerical predictions. This experiment is intended to partially fill in the objectives of the ESA MAP project AO-2004-111 (Convective boiling and condensation). The SOURCE experiment will also serve the needs of the COMPERE research group whose mandate is to investigate the behavior of propellants in spacecraft launcher tanks. more... more...
