
Green light for TerraQ

On November 26, 2020 the Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided to establish the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) "TerraQ - Relativistic and Quantum-Based Geodesy". The now approved SFB aims to develop new methods for measurements in space and on earth. It is expected that the results of this research will lead, among other things, to new satellite missions with which the gravitational field of the earth may be measured more precisely. This will make it possible, for example, to identify water cycles across the entire globe, which would open up completely new possibilities for climate research. As one of seven other research institutions, ZARM will be involved with several subprojects in the new SFB. 

The corresponding press release of the University of Bremen: www.uni-bremen.de/universitaet/hochschulkommunikation-und-marketing/aktuelle-meldungen/detailansicht/millionenfoerderung-fuer-sfbs-mit-bremer-beteiligung
