Zero Boil-Off Tank - Experimental investigation of vented filling of a tank in microgravity (ZBOT - Receiver)

research area: fluid dynamics
experiment title:
Zero Boil-Off Tank - Experimental investigation of vented filling of a tank in microgravity
experiment acronym: ZBOT - Receiver
funding agency: DLR
grant number: 50WM1968
performing organization:
ZARM, Universität Bremen
prime investigator:
Prof. Dr. Michael Dreyer
experiment objective
The research project Zero Boil-Off Tank Experiment – Filling and Transfer (ZBOT-FT) aims to demonstrate a proof of concept for filling and transfer of liquid propellants in microgravity, so that such an experiment can be carried out on board the International Space Station (ISS). The project is divided into two sub-projects. The first sub-project investigates the removal of liquid using a Screen Channel Liquid Acquisition Device (SC-LAD) from a donor tank in microgravity condition. The donor tank is envisioned as the propellant space depot. The second sub-project investigates the filling of liquid into the receiver tank in microgravity condition. The receiver tank is envisioned as the spacecraft tank. This document is written only to specify the requirements for carrying out experiments on the filling of receiver tank in microgravity.
experiment campaigns
experiment year: 2021
number of catapult launches: 1
experiment year: 2020
number of catapult launches: 8
experiment year: 2020
number of drops: 3